He still doesn’t understand
At this point, and I never thought I could say that one day, I don’t trust any more Mozilla’s strategy for Firefox. I don’t trust any more its Product Manager for Desktop Firefox. It’s not the person, it’s the strategy. I’m not angry, I’m incredibly sad. During all these years, I tried to draw the attention on markets addressable by Moz and not addressable by other browsers. I failed. During all these years, I did all my best to give my opinion about how to extend the ecosystem, the true cornerstone of Firefox’s success. I succeeded implementing these ideas for my own product, BlueGriffon, but I failed for Firefox. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.
At this point, I think the CEO of Mozilla should talk, loud and clear, and talk about this more with both the community and the users. Enough with corporate blah-blah, and I could say corporate bullshit.
Glazblog : “I still don’t understand”.
Karl, La Grange
Le gros enjeu de Firefox en ce moment (c’est qu’au contraire de Apple avec son OS) est de ne pas gérer les transitions de modèles. Il n’est pas interdit d’évoluer mais cela se prépare avec la communauté, pas contre la communauté. Tu annonces que tu veux abandonner une technologie, tu montres pourquoi et tu développes des outils pour le faire sur quelques années. Un autre exemple python de 2 vers 3. C’est plus long, plus coûteux sur le court terme mais tellement mieux sur le long terme.
Blah ? Touitter !