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Ca y est… Mise à jour version 2.61 de MovableType. En espérant que tout fonctionne encore.
Repiqué dans Metafilter :
The coolest Living Frenchman I can think of is Dominique de Villepin, the Ladies’ man who swept the UN off its feet, Colin Powell’s latest arch-nemesis (although they used to get along) who has, by speaking against the US war effort, seriously reduced the likelihood of a war against Iraq, and may have engineered great changes in the way that global problems are resolved.
But the main link is to an interview that de Villepin conducted with the Times of India several months ago. And I’m asking: don’t you wish that all politicians could speak so well, that all politicians had his intelligence, his education, his sensitivity, his understanding of global concerns, and just his ability to quote from an actual book and understand what it meant? And if they did, can you imagine the sort of world we could be living in now?
Posted by chrisgregory at 5:49 AM PST - 72 comments
Joueb.com est en panne, et Biz est encore à la recherche d’un hébergeur conciliant. Voilà qui n’est pas une bonne nouvelle pour la blogosphère francophone…
Oui et tu peux mettre à jour tout de suite en 2.6.2, il y a un trou de sécurité and Author.pm
Ca y est, c’est fait ! Le trou est bouché.
Blah ? Touitter !