I am often asked if the Olympic village is the sex-fest it is cracked up to be. My answer is always the same: too right it is. […]
Barcelona was, for many of us Olympic virgins, as much about sex as it was about sport. There were the gorgeous hostesses - there to assist the athletes - in their bright yellow shirts and black skirts; there were the indigenous lovelies who came to watch the competitions. And then there were the female athletes - literally thousands of them - strutting, shimmying, sashaying and jogging around the village, clad in Lycra and exposing yard upon yard of shiny, toned, rippling and unimaginably exotic flesh. Women from all the countries of the world: muscular, virile, athletic and oozing oestrogen. I spent so much time in a state of lust that I could have passed out. Indeed, for all I knew I did pass out - in a place like that how was one to tell the difference between dreamland and reality? […]
So much so that, at the outset of the Sydney Olympics, Jonathan Edwards, a Christian and triple jumper extraordinaire, caused a ripple by telling them publicly to keep a lid on it. Edwards was simply concerned about getting woken up by creaking floorboards, but given his biblical credentials, it became a story about morality. Not that his intervention made a blind bit of difference. There is a famous story from Seoul in 1988 that there were so many used condoms on the roof terrace of the British team’s residential block the night after the swimming concluded that the British Olympic Association sent out an edict banning outdoor sex. Here in Beijing, organisers have realised that such prohibitions are about as useful as banning breathing and have, instead, handed out thousands of free condoms to the athletes. If you can’t stop ’em, at least make it safe. […]
[The Times, Matthew Syed : “Sex and the Olympic city”.]
“Bon”, contrairement à “people”, prend un S au pluriel…
Laurent Gloaguen
“pour bon nombre de personnes qui réfléchissent, l’avis de BHL n’a aucune espèce d’importance.” Jean Luc Mélenchon.
Et le garde du corps c’est en protection des tartes à la crème ? On ne sait jamais avec ces barbares de Ruskofs…
Pour toutes les personnes qui réfléchissent, l’avis de Mélenchon n’a aucune espèce d’importance non plus.
Blah ? Touitter !