Journal de bord

mardi 16 décembre 2014

Weblog du 26 frimaire

— Les médias français sont-ils les chiens de garde de l’ordre et des pouvoirs établis ?

— À Sydney, la mort d’un héros de seconde classe.

— « Je ne suis pas très inquiète », explique Olga, 24 ans. « Nous avons Poutine, il va nous arranger ça! »

— Les 7 différences entre les tramways de banlieue et le tramway parisien.

— La reine de l’homéopathie, Michèle Boisvert, chassée de l’Ordre des pharmaciens. La sorcière se présente désormais comme “diplômée en pharmacie” et non “pharmacienne”. Voilà qui change tout…

— « France Inter offense les chrétiens et leur doit des excuses ! » Mouahaha.

— Aucune boîte n’est trop petite pour un chat. (Précédemment.) #miaou

— Une compilation de chats détruisant des arbres de Noël. #miaou

— Vieux, un classique (2009), mais si utile à cette période des fêtes : comment emballer un chat. #miaou

— Gravesend is a small town situated in the borough of Gravesham, Kent. Developed by the metropolitan police in 2002 to simulate the environment of urban community the 300 square meter site was constructed in facsimile of an urban complex to meet the training requirements of the police with all the façade of human presence, except that presence itself.

Tide commercial (Canada).

— Not a controversial issue in Canada anymore: Majority support assisted suicide, poll finds.

— All I want for Christmas is you (Oxford, UK). #christmas

— Made a dreidel out of clay, clay, clay, clay, clay, When it’s ready I will play, play, play, play, play, Got a gimmel, not a hay, hay, hay, hay, hay, mazel tov, mazel tov. #hanukkah

— But Maccabees had faith - they wouldn’t give it up. Our holiday is so much more than spinning plastic tops. #hanukkah

— Ulf Bjørnar Mikalsen lives north of the Arctic Circle and makes boats.

— Unedited footage of a bear.

— Dog who lost his back paws after being frozen to the ground in Saskatchewan gets prosthetic legs.

— Tortured logic.

— Apple stops online sales in Russia over ruble fluctuations.

— Naked cyclist ticketed for not wearing a helmet.

— I feel so much better since I’m taking Claridryl™.


[Serious neuropsychiatric events including, but not limited to, depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and completed suicide have been reported in patients taking Claridryl. Some reported cases may have been complicated by the symptoms of Claridryl withdrawal in patients who stopped taking Claridryl. Depressed mood may be a symptom of Claridryl withdrawal. Depression, rarely including suicidal ideation, has been reported in moms undergoing a taking Claridryl cessation attempt without medication. However, some of these symptoms have occurred in patients taking Claridryl who continued to take Claridryl.]

1. Le 17 décembre 2014,
karl, La Grange

tu t’es fait hacké par une agence publicitaire ?

2. Le 17 décembre 2014,
Laurent Gloaguen

Oh boy, you didn’t take enough Claridryl™.

3. Le 17 décembre 2014,
karl, La Grange

Blah ? Touitter !