I’m urging leaders from Troop 212 to reject the Boy Scouts of America’s discriminatory anti-gay policy and to give Ryan Andresen the Eagle award he’s earned.
Ryan joined the Boy Scouts when he was just six years old, and since then, he’s dreamed of earning his Eagle award — the highest rank in the Boy Scouts.
Ryan is now a senior in high school, and just completed the final requirements to earn his Eagle Award. He’s an honor student with great SAT scores, who’s hoping to attend the University of San Francisco. But because he recently came out to his friends and family as gay, leaders from your troop say they won’t approve his Eagle award.
This is unfair and wrong.
A Scout earns his Eagle by earning many badges, completing all lower Scout rank requirements, and carrying out an approved final project. So Ryan decided to build a “Tolerance Wall” for his school, to show bully victims — like Ryan — that they are not alone. Ryan worked countless hours with elementary students to amass a wall of 288 unique tiles, all illustrating acts of kindness.
Many troops around the country are standing up, choosing to reject the Boy Scouts’ discriminatory policy. I sincerely hope that Ryan’s troop — Troop 212 — will become one of them.
“Citizenship in the Community,” a merit badge earned, means standing up for what is right, and I am proud of Ryan for doing just that. Will you stand with him, too?
Karen Andresen: “Boy Scouts: Don’t let your anti-gay policy deny my son his Eagle award.”
Cet article est d’une rare bêtise. J’avais fait un ou deux tweets là dessus. Mais présenter la Suisse comme un modèle de libéralisme, quand le protectionnisme agricole qui y sévit est spectaculairement élevé, c’est quand même se foutre du monde.
C’est qui ce Pierre Chapaz, le nom me semble vaguement familier?
Un gars qui a fait fortune en revendant son comparateur de prix avant que ça se casse la binette… Ironie du sort, son magnifique comparateur de prix à charte graphique orangée était basé sur un travail de l’INRIA. http://www.kelkoo.fr/kelinria.html. Vu qu’il me semble que les libertariens veulent limiter l’intervention de l’état à la police et 3 bricoles régaliennes, l’INRIA n’aurait peut-être jamais existé dans un pays purement libertarien…
Je remets le lien sans point à la fin. http://www.kelkoo.fr/kelinria.html
Damien B
Un vrai libertarien, avec interprétation à la hache des chiffres, et pas une once d’analyse systémique. Il aurait dû appeler son blog médiocritorien, ça aurait plus reflété “l’aventure Kelkoo”.
Blah ? Touitter !