Journal de bord

lundi 27 février 2012

GOP In Trouble

Obama and Democrats lost the country in 2010 and many disillusioned voters were ready to give the Republicans a chance and were very open to new presidential options. Instead, they see a party and leaders determined to stop President Obama rather than work with him, stuck in an anti-tax mantra with few economic ideas, seemingly hostile to the middle class and aligned with the 1 percent and, more recently, obsessed over social issues when the economy still looms as the biggest problem. That performance, coupled with an improving economic mood in the country, may be locking in perceptions that may be hard to unlock over the summer and fall.

Democracy Corps: “New Phase and Shifting Balance”.

1. Le 27 février 2012,
Karl, La Grange

Dans les releases d’email, des histoires de bateaux

LG: So Total also pressuring Sarko?

RU108: We had a nice chat with them too. Yachts are good for that sort of thing.

Blah ? Touitter !


The Image, Deconstructed (TID) is a weekly blog that examines an image or a theme, and attempts to deconstruct the mental approach behind it. TID is non-profit and volunteer-based. Its primary goal is to provide a collective insight tothe psychology of photojournalism and serves as a resource for a purposeful approach to photography.

Male rape charity


Myth: Men can’t be sexually violated.

Reality: Men are sexually violated. Any man or boy can be sexually assaulted regardless of size, strength, appearance or sexual orientation.

Myth: Only gay men and boys are sexually violated.

Reality: Heterosexual, gay and bisexual males are equally likely to be sexually violated. Being sexually violated has nothing to do with your current or future sexual orientation. Your sexuality has no more to do with being violated than being robbed.

Myth: Only gay men sexually assault other men.

Reality: Most men who sexually assault other men identify themselves as heterosexual. This fact helps to highlight another reality — that sexual assault is about violence, anger, power and control over another person, not lust, desire or sexual attraction.

Myth: Men cannot be sexually violated by women.
Reality: Although the majority of perpetrators are male, men can also be sexually violated (though not legally raped) by women.

Myth: Erection or ejaculation during a sexual violation means you “really wanted it” or consented to it.

Reality: Erection and ejaculation are physiological responses that may result from mere physical contact or even extreme stress. These responses do not imply that you wanted or enjoyed the assault and do not indicate anything about your sexual orientation. Some abusers and rapists are aware how erection and ejaculation can confuse a victim of sexual assault — this motivates them to manipulate their victims to the point of erection or ejaculation to increase their feelings of control and to discourage people from telling their story.


The Observer, Tracy McVeigh: “Male rape charity’s hard-hitting poster campaign targets Six Nations”.

1. Le 27 février 2012,
Karl, La Grange
2. Le 27 février 2012,

@Karl : tu es hors sujet. sauf s’il s’agit de violer sans soupçons.

3. Le 27 février 2012,

Encore que… si « sexual assault is about violence, anger, power and control over another person, not lust, desire or sexual attraction », alors violer n’est même pas baiser.

Et puis je ferais remarquer aux violeurs en herbe, que même en mettant le code pénal au placard, c’est plus simple et bien plus agréable de pratiquer avec consentement mutuel. A bon entendeur…

4. Le 27 février 2012,
Karl, La Grange

dans la tradition vestimentaire, le collant.

@Maxime: Je suis off-topic… mince ! ça s’est vu ?

5. Le 28 février 2012,

@Karl On a un peu l’impression que l’auteur n’a jamais mis les fesses à Singapour. Il y aurait tant à écrire sur ce sujet ! (et tiens le site d’okamoto ne passe depuis mon boulot, c’est le premier site – hors site porno – censuré sur lequel je tombe)

6. Le 28 février 2012,
Laurent Gloaguen

@KArl : oh, il y a plein de tenues affriolantes sur ce site ! Tu as commandé quoi ?

7. Le 28 février 2012,
Karl, La Grange

J’hésite encore, mais le petit “cache” sexe en dentelle me tente bien.

Blah ? Touitter !