Journal de bord

dimanche 14 septembre 2003

Rentrée colorée


Un rentrée colorée pour Harvey Milk High School [une photo de James Wagner, un blogue trouvé chez Sale Bête, plus de photos ici]. Heureusement, il y avait aussi une contre-manifestation avec des messages comme : I Love Queers, You’re Our Role Models, All kids deserve a safe school, etc.

1. Le 14 septembre 2003,
Damelon Kimbrough

Quel est le sens de la banderolle “Thank God For Sept. 11” ? J’ai du mal à voir le rapport entre une école pour gays et lesbiennes et un attentat islamiste…

2. Le 14 septembre 2003,

Plus d’infos ici et , chez les organisateurs de ces manifestations (Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps).

Blah ? Touitter !

MIF le bien nommé

I received the following question from a reader (whose name I will conceal, this question having been posted on a personal email to my care) in connection with Merde In France (a well deserved name according to Pierre):

The question was : “Has that dirtbag ever even come close on anything he has written or does he miss everything in his efforts to tar and feather France? That’s a rhetorical question by the way.”

It is an embarrassing question. Since we are speaking about rhetoric, it is necessary to distinguish between content and form. The form is nauseating but the content calls for debate. MIF, a bit like Jean-Marie Le Pen, is a very talented acrimonious polemist but his ideas stink.

Billie is an American from Brooklyn. He has been living in France for more twenty years. In 1981, while the wealthy people from Avenue Foch exported their gold in Switzerland panicked by the socialo-communist dictatorship to come, Billie arrrived in this country where a scent of Chile at the time of the Allende’s election floated in the streets. But Billie get used finally rather quickly to the French eighties, when money and free enterprise were fashionable, years when Bernard Tapie was the idol of all ambitious young people. Student at the Sorbonne, he considered going Sciences Po but finally went to CNAM to learn computer science. And while he get used to the French language and culture, his integration was a failure, even if he is still operating his small capitalist company on French soil.

Bill has political ideas, libertarians ideas. The State is evil. The State is a communist idea. Then, de facto, there are only stalinist communists in the actual French goverment (UMP, right) and dangerous leftists at the FN (extreme right). Our jacobinic France, where the State has always been the center of all, and has theorized the fact, is without any doubt the perfect image of hell for libertarians. However, France, from left or right, does not waver on its deep foundations, its single base. It remains hermetic to the liberalism mermaids’ song. And that excites Bill at the point to become a writing rottweiler defending his ideas bitterly with bites and nails.

The last straw was the political opposition of France to the American government on the Iraki conflict. All his recriminations as a sour immigrant tangled up in his schizophrenia, a love-hate relation to France, exploded. Then, inevitably, all Frenchmen became anti-American scums. He was directly in phase with the war-bloggers, intellectual masters of the American blogeoisie. They saw in Merde In France in Paris the equivalent of a Salam Pax in Baghdad and hastened to make him a broad publicity.

During these twenty years, Bill was so impregnated with French culture that it is difficult to say that he is really an American anymore but rather a hybrid beast suffering badly from his interior conflicts.

Through its blog, Bill pours all his bile and his “mal-être”. As for others, his blog replaces a psychotherapy. He shoots in all directions with fury. Sometimes, he hits sensitive spots, real problems or real questionings but his answers are only vitriolic satires or even lewd remarks.

His blog is of nothing close to be productive. It is only design to poke dissensions and hatred. Much of his readers, less intelligent than him take his entries for Gospel’s truth. And, worse, like any predator, he knows his territory quite well and can bite where that it hurts the most. He masters this game brilliantly. He is a tough hard cynic that doesn’t believe in humanism and in friendship between nations, because he is a man in war, in war with the world and with himself. In fact, he inspires me pity. At the day of his death, when God will ask him “What have you made of your talent ?” He could only reply : “I made war. I shit on my neighbours. That was my life !”

Even it is means getting a critical look on the situation in France, a look of an expatriate American, I will always prefer to read Damelon that assumes his writings under his real name. He has more scope with his intelligent and sober entries than that aggressive pooch vomiting on the “Froggies” with an irreducible bad faith.

No, MIF, we do not deserve you ! MIF, go home, and see if grass is greener in America’s great plains.

1. Le 14 septembre 2003,

il y a quelques jours j’ai envoyé ce mail à MIF


Tellement de mauvaise foi et de haine que ça ne fait même pas réfléchir mais plutôt gerber. Me demande ce qui pousse quelqu’un à passer ses journées à réfléchir à quelque chose qui lui inspire tant de haine. Changer la France ? Ok mais sans toi merci.

sur ce, Conrad

ps: rire enregistrés dans les guignols ? “

2. Le 14 septembre 2003,

Parler de MIF c’est lui faire de la pub gratuitement et il aime ça le bougre dans son esprit pervers et malade ! Un peu le même phénomène des médias à l’endroit de Le Pen en période d’élection !

Vis à vis de ces gens, je n’ai pas d’avis, je les ignore…

Moi, Mif ? connait pas ! Le pen qui c’est ?

3. Le 14 septembre 2003,

de quoi ? de qui ??

mais c’est quoi, le sujet ?

4. Le 15 septembre 2003,
traitor, inc

trahison !

5. Le 15 septembre 2003,
Michel Valdrighi

zboob, le soit-disant phénomène Le Pen en 2002, c’est la faute des médias qui ont agité le spectre de l’insécurité pendant six mois en occultant complètement tout autre idée du débat politique. “Insécurité toujours, une vieille dame vient d’être traitée de ’vieille peau’ par un jeune homme d’origine maghrébine à Trifouillis-Les-Oies. L’aggresseur considèré comme dangereux a pris la fuite.” Et oui, c’était de ce calibre là les 13h/20h de l’époque. On voyait de l’insécurité partout, c’était générateur d’audimat et de sueurs froides au moment de servir le dîner chez la ménagère de moins de 50 ans dans le Vercors (qu’on a vue sauter à l’élastique). Pas étonnant quand on nourrit les têtes avec une telle bouillie, de les voir se tourner vers les auto-proclamé champions de la sécurité de l’extrême droite…

6. Le 15 septembre 2003,

zboob : tu dois avoir raison, ce genre de billet ne doit que satisfaire son ego et sans doute il serait vain d’espérer le début d’une once d’auto-critique.

7. Le 15 septembre 2003,

Décodage : mon mépris ou mon refus de parler de certains ne signifie pas méconnaissance ou ignorance…Pas de dialogue possible (malheureusement) avec ce genre de personnages qui ont cessé de me faire “rire” depuis un certain temps déjà !

Michel Valdrighi > “le soit-disant phénomène Le Pen en 2002, c’est la faute des médias…” Matraquage médiatique, certes! Mais il n’explique pas tout, et certainement pas les quelques 20% d’électorat d’extrême droite lors des dernières élections !

8. Le 17 septembre 2003,
le comptable du sous-sol

Pour LP en 2002 et le “phenomene” c’est interessant de comparer avec les chiffres de 1995

1T95 JMLP 4 570 838 voix 1T2K2 JMLP 4 804 713 (et Megret 667 026) ca fait que 235000 voix supplementaires entre les deux: c’est si phenomenal que cela ??

A remarquer aussi, entre le premier tour et le second tour de 2002, le nb de voix pour LP a augmente. 2T 2k2 5 525 032 (la somme des voix LP+Megret du 1er tour est de 5 471 739)

Bref, je suis pas tres sur de l’influence des medias.


Blah ? Touitter !