Journal de bord

jeudi 14 juillet 2011

Doggy style

Si certains peuvent trouver normal de rouler une pelle à un chien…

Je me permets cependant d’attirer votre attention sur les dangers d’une relation anale ou vaginale avec votre toutou favori. Vous pourriez en mourir.

A 43-year-old woman died after suffering a massive allergic reaction brought on after she had sex with a dog in Limerick.

The woman, a mother of four children, suffered the reaction to the dog’s semen after willingly engaging in sex acts with the Alsatian dog in a house in the Patrickswell area of the county.

The woman passed away in October 2008, shortly after intercourse with the dog, and after a three-year investigation it was confirmed that her death occurred due to an adverse reaction suffered after having sex with the animal.

An ambulance was called to an address in Patickswell at approximately 7.30pm on the night that she died and rushed the woman to the Mid-Western Hospital, where she passed away shortly after 8pm.

A source told The Star last night that the unfortunate woman involved came in contact with a man who provided the dog on an internet chatroom. “Woman dies after dog sex in Limerick”.

1. Le 14 juillet 2011,

A source told The Star last night that the unfortunate woman involved came in contact with a man who provided the dog on an internet chatroom.

Encore la faute a internet, mais que fait le gouvernement!

2. Le 14 juillet 2011,
Laurent Gloaguen

Tu vas sur les Internets et tu finis sodomisé par un berger allemand. C’est dangereux !

3. Le 14 juillet 2011,

Alors que je préfère les Beaucerons, c’est scandaleux !

4. Le 16 juillet 2011,
Off Topic

L’occasion de ressortir cet incroyable texte de Anne.

Blah ? Touitter !